Watch-it Wednesday
Learn and unlearn
What can you do?
Watch-it Wednesday is an opportunity to adopt an attitude of ‘wanting to know.’ It is a way to reaffirm your commitment to remaining awake to the realities of our complex climate and biodiversity crises, and the systems and attitudes that created them. The premise is simple: choose a topic you want to learn about and find something to watch (or read) to get you started. How deep you go is up to you and may vary from week to week. It could be anything from watching an online video while you do the dishes to hosting a feature length documentary screening for your extended family and friends.
Think expansively about the range of topics to explore. Alongside climate science, there are important ethical, economic, social, political, philosophical, spiritual and psychological perspectives to understand. You can also use Watch-it-Wednesdays to follow up on questions and conversations that come up about the other Ways through the week. Access information from a range of sources, including by attending lectures, workshops, and public meetings. And remember, learning and unlearning needn’t necessarily be grim. Celebrating the beauty of the natural world, getting inspired by the actions of climate activists, exploring the world views of Indigenous peoples, and learning techniques for vegan chocolate making are just a few joyous alternatives.